Taxi Driver is arguably SCorcese’s finest film. Robert Deniro excels as Travis Bickle, a man who cannot seem to connect with any person around him. His desperate attempts at romance fail miserably as he takes his date to an x-rated film on their first date. His taxi driving is theonly thing that occupies him, the only thing tyhjat truly makes him, not happy, but at least satisfied. He does not connect to the world around him, not the people, not the city, not anything. SCorceses work on this film is truly amazing. His depiction is not a film, but a character study. Travis Bickler is a real person, however disturbed. His movements and life are some thing the viewer really connects to. His frustration with his surroundings are something the viewer feels, a thing that is almost tangible. So when the movie was re-released on DVD this summer, scorcese fans rejoiced. Many would argue that Robert DeNiro would never top his performance as Travis Bickle, and that Scorcesse would never agians reach the depth of Taxi Driver. This film is the reason WHY people were angry that Scorcese’s first Oscar was for The De[parted(I which is still an excellent film). Everything about it is perfect. The filming somehow vconveysw Travis’ loneliness, with shots of empty hallways, and empty streets. Loneliness is definitely the main theme of the film. Travis does not understand why no one caN UNDERstand him. It’s a paradox that is clearly protrsyed by the director, how Travis is unable to explain himself to anyone else, and how no person can explain themselves to Travis in a way that makes snerse to him. So as Travise slowly unravels before the viewers eyes, it makes sense. It’s not a sudden change, an unexplicablew change that leaves the viewer scratching their head. It makes sense. It’[sw a slow descent, something that leaves him NEEDING to make a change. And that is why he acts out violently, he needs to make a change in his envori ment. He cannot stand to look at
I still can't believe you broke edge... It ruined this review.
yeah fuck you ryan
Ian, what can I say, my salad days are behind me.
this review is fucking trash.
just out of curiousity, what are your feelings on the "epilogue" portion of the film? the denouement, if you will. barring what scorsese or paul schrader have said about what the ending means, what do you feel actually happens to travis bickle? does he die in that apartment building, and the rest of the film is his delusion of what would have happened had he lived, or is that literally what occurs after the gunfight?
Nick, I don't think he dies. I just think the movie resolves a lot more satisfyingly if that is literally what happened to him. I certainly understand the reason for believing the delusion ending, Travis is pretty messed up in the head, but the movie isn't Jacob's Ladder. That said, I think there is some significance to his sudden look in the rearview mirror at the very end, but I'm not sure what it is. I think the ending is ultimately up to the viewer and I like the idea of Travis' redemption.
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